Hi guys! Welcome to my blog! So this whole writing thing is novel to me but I’m going to wing it like I do with most things in life (because what is life without spontaneity?!) so here goes…

My name is Farrah Azam and I graduated in Psychology and Criminology almost 10 years ago. I got married in my final year of University and became a stay at home mother to my beautiful first born soon after. Shortly after having him, I began to get incredibly bored with the repetitive lifestyle. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE being a mother and I think it’s one of the most rewarding yet challenging jobs in the world but I was also facing my own demons and I needed a distraction. Beginning my journey in the art world was exciting and a form of therapy for me. Once I began, I never looked back.

Fast forward ten years, and I am a single mother of two beautiful boys (Zayd and Zakariya), I’m running a training academy providing artistic and business coaching and a (somewhat) “successful” art business. Some of the most exciting projects I had the honour of partaking in during the years are my collaborations with high profile retail brands Giorgio Armani and Acqua Di Parma, sold exclusively in Harrods and Selfridges London. The journey to some may seem (judging by social media) like it’s been a walk in the park but believe me when I say it’s been a journey not only full of joy and adventure but one that has had it’s share of tears, sweat, multiple doses of caffeine (to keep me awake) and a fair dose of criticism (mainly from people telling me my idea is silly and has no scope to grow!).

I think we’ve become so used to comparing our behind the scenes with everyone else’s highlight reel that we often end up feeling demoralised and doubting our own abilities (thanks social media!) In situations such as these I think perseverance is key. As cliche as it sounds, if you love something, just go for it and don’t let anybody stop you. Be kind, be humble, have integrity, work hard, be generous, be persistent, surround yourself with good people, be true to yourself and I truly believe God will take care of the rest. Just DON’T give up.

Aside from being a mummy and loving art, I have countless other interests. Mainly food, culture, music and LONDON! I am a VERY proud Londoner and I truly believe it’s one of the most vibrant and diverse cities in the world. I have visited many cities in my lifetime but I have yet to find one which tops London (Istanbul & Singapore come close though!). Some of the things I love about my city is the multiculturalism, the array of food options available, the quirky and bohemian style cafe’s (where I like to spend a lot of time reflecting and sketching), stunning museums and landmarks, creatively cool people, the best afternoon tea in the WORLD and breathtaking parks, just to name a few!

This blog was prompted by the plethora of messages I receive from friends, family and my social media followers requesting recommendations for food, general lifestyle, art and more. I thought I’d use this platform to share my advice and tips with you all amidst the chaotic crazy life of trying to juggle it all. I can’t promise you’ll find me interesting but I can promise to be honest and authentic.
Hope I didn’t bore you too much! Ciao! x